Internal Audit Leadership Bootcamp

Seminar Overview

Four half-day long virtual interactive program focused on critical aspects to managing a successful internal audit function. Participants will receive a workbook to help them identify possible obstacles within their own function and actionable takeaways to help them make meaningful changes after the program ends. The first two days will focus on a variety of internal topics while he last two days will focus on external engagement outside the department. This program is geared primarily towards internal audit leaders and their direct reports. Featured presenters include Danny Goldberg, GoldSRD and Neil Frieser, former North American and Global IIA Board Member and former CAE for a Fortune 500 company for 15 years.

Proposed Preliminary Agenda (minutes):

Day 1 – Internal Focus
Introductions (15)
Annual Planning/Risk Assessment (100)
Engagement Management (85)
Day 2 – Internal Focus (Continued)
Strategic Planning (60)
Staff Management (80)
Data Analytics and Sampling Methodology (60)
Day 3 – External Focus
Audit Committee Reporting (60)
Management Engagement (40)
Audit Reporting (100)
Day 4 – External Focus (Continued)
Specialized Knowledge/IT Audit/Co-Sourcing (60)
Standards Compliance/EQA Prep (40)
Best Practices Roundtable (90)
Wrap Up (10)